Aims & Objectives

The Heat Pump Association (HPA) is the UK’s leading authority on the use and benefits of heat pump technology and includes many of the country’s leading manufacturers of heat pumps, components and associated equipment. 

The Association influences legislation and other matters that affect the interests of either the industry in general, or its members in particular. In addition, the HPA co-ordinates technical and market research into areas of mutual interest, identified by members with the aim of improving market opportunities for members, at home and abroad.

The HPA recognises that heat pumps will only fulfil their promise in the market if suppliers, installers and users fully appreciate their function and capabilities. A major objective of the association, therefore, is to raise awareness of heat pumps by informing prospective specifiers of their long-term benefits, reassuring end users and providing up-to-the-minute advice on the various systems available. The HPA conveys this message by generating publicity using exhibitions, literature, promotions and public relations.

Preparing The Way

Like most technology, heat pumps will only produce their greatest benefits if they are fully understood by specifiers, installers and users.

The Heat Pump Association believes that it is vital that key people in industry are aware of the potential of heat pumps.

The Association, therefore, places great emphasis on advice and education, to ensure that systems are appropriate to their applications and installed with the highest degree of professionalism.

Heat Pumps – The Facts

Heat pumps supply more energy than they consume, by extracting heat from their surroundings. Currently heat pump systems can supply as much as 3kW of heat output for just 1kW of energy input. Unlike other heating systems heat pumps can also be used for cooling. They are used for commercial space heating, domestic heating and process heating.

Some of the key advantages of using heat pumps are:

  • Zero emissions – reduce your environmental impact
  • The utilisation of natural, inexhaustible energy sources
  • Efficiency: Renewable energy sources are up to 5 times more efficient than traditional energy sources, such as gas

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