Heat Pumps are the future

Government target: 600,000 heat pumps installed annually by 2028

Influence the Revolution in Home Heating

The Heat Pump Association is at the cutting edge of making policy work for the industry

Help us to make the switch to heat pumps

Manufacturer? Installer? Equipment Supplier? Utility Company? Financier? This is the Trade Association for you

Be part of our journey to net zero

Join the Heat Pump Association and get your voice heard

Real influence, rooted in Members' views

A proactive and influential Trade Association with vibrant and active Member engagement at its heart




Housing Associations


A Trade Association committed to promote Heat Pumps as a low carbon solution

We are the focal point for the exchange of knowledge and information on all things heat pumps.

We liaise with Government directly on behalf of our members, providing expert advice regarding legislation, standards, guidance, financial and consumer incentives. 

The HPA also works to inform the public and the wider HVAC industry on the benefits of heat pumps. Whilst collaborating with other like minded trade associations and non-governmental organisations. 

Our Aims

We aim to:

  • Promote the responsible wide scale deployment of heat pumps as a low carbon solution.
  • Improve the quality in the design and installation of heat pumps and heat pump systems.
  • Provide up to date, factual information across a broad spectrum of interested parties including; installers, manufactures, consumers etc.

Our Members

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